No pinpointed reason makes people cheat on their partners. Cheating varies, depending on individuals and experiences. Some people cheat because of boredom, revenge, addiction to sex and even cheating just for fun. So, answering the question, “Why do women cheat?”, may be complicated. But I will balance the perspectives.
Last time, we mentioned why men cheat and now, we want to look at the reasons behind women’s cheating. It is important to note that cheating also varies, based on gender. Women mostly cheat because they want to fill up the emotional void created by their partners, while men do so because they want ‘more’ sex and attention. There could also be other reasons behind this act of people cheating on their partner.
Men are likely not going to fall in love with their cheating partners or have any emotional connections with them. Women are not so because they are most likely going to develop an emotional connection with their extra-marital partner and this is due to loneliness.
A woman could cheat because she is unhappy in her relationship or marriage. While men, even when they are happy and satisfied, could still cheat. However, this is not always the case.
The motive behind a woman’s cheating habit is not always sexual, though it could be one of the reasons women cheat sometimes. The experience of being with someone explains it better. Sometimes, they have left the relationship long before cheating. This results from loneliness. When the partner can no longer satisfy their emotional needs, they tend to look for someone who could fill up the void.
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So, Why do Women Cheat?
To add to the above, here are other reasons women cheat:
Emotional vulnerability
When a woman is emotionally vulnerable, like the loss of a job or loved one, she could cheat as a way to comfort herself. This happens the most if the partner is not emotionally available for her. If perchance, they run into a man who is caring and attentive and is ready to fill up the gap, they may not be able to say no because of the vulnerable state of their emotions.
Cheating for no reason
Because women think longer and harder before cheating, it is most likely for them to cheat just like that. However, it does not take away the fact that they cheat.
In this situation, they take their time to warm up or make up their mind to it before it eventually happens. And because is unusual for a woman to have sex and forget it, she may not easily walk away, unlike the men because they are not emotionally attached to their cheating partner. This is also an answer to the question, “Why do women cheat?”
Low self-esteem
Why do women cheat? Dealing with low self-esteem could also be one of the reasons women cheat. For instance, a woman, who does not like her body and has a boyfriend or husband who may not be the kind that appreciates a woman, may become vulnerable. If she meets a man out there, who tells her what she longs to hear, she is likely to give in. Not every woman can do this, but some women have cheated for this sole reason. This is why it is good to appreciate your partner. It builds self-esteem.
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To get back at their cheating partner, some women feel cheating back is the way forward. There was one certain time when a popular social media feminist encouraged women to cheat back if they could not endure the pain of discovering that their partner cheated. Funnily enough, many women were eager to do so. Remember the saying that hell hath no fury like a woman scorned? It is real!
Men are not the only thrill-seekers. Some women do so too. I have met a friend whose ex-girlfriend was a serial cheater. She kept him as a man to be married to but was cheating with any man she could lay her hands on. I could not believe it when he said it. But going by the personality of my friend, I did not doubt it. This is a practical answer to the question, “Why do women cheat?”
Women who have boring partners may cheat because they want to get the sexual excitement back. Here, the partner is available, but their sexual life is not sizzling. Flirting, going on a date, and trying out some fun in the relationship, among others are the reasons some women cheat.
They want to keep enjoying these things, but their partners have gone on early retirement from fun because they feel there is no need for that again. So, when the woman hears compliments as cheap as “sweetheart, you look beautiful”, she forgets her home training and jumps into the boat.
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Escape route
This is one of the powerful reasons women cheat. If a woman wants to leave her relationship or marriage, she may use cheating as an escape route. This would force her current partner to end the relationship, instead of her ending it herself. This happens in relationships where a lack of communication exists.
If the woman lacks intimacy with her partner and meets someone out there who is ready to become a friend, listen to her, and enjoy her company, she might develop feelings for the person.
It would take loads of discipline not to cheat with such an intimate friend. This is why couples should enjoy each other’s company.
If you enjoy your partner’s company, you are going to feel satisfied and your communication level will be high. This eliminates the act of having a male or female ‘bestie’ of the opposite sex out there.
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Unrealistic expectations
These are also common reasons women cheat. Some women who have high taste and an insatiable desire for things they or their partners could not afford are likely to look for someone out there to provide such needs.
Therefore, when they expect their partner to meet such needs and it is not possible, they could look for a man out there who could step in and they, in turn, would reward them with sex. That is the only way out, is it not so? #Winks.
Sexual deprivation
Another interesting reason for a woman to break the trust code is if she is sexually deprived. This is not about seeking emotional connections now; she simply wants to enjoy the apple.
Some people become less interested in sex, maybe due to age or sickness. If their partner is still sexually active and excited, they may not be able to keep up and this leads them to look for someone to fill up the void.
When a woman feels that her partner is no longer interested in her sexually, she may look for a man out there who would give it to her just the way she desires.
So, do not ignore the sexual needs of your partner. Not everyone has the grace to implement discipline in a relationship or marriage. If you are no longer thrilled about sex, for the sake of your partner, you have to do something about it. Do not just relax back and feel less concerned, if that is so, you are being selfish and wicked.
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Everyone needs self-control when it comes to cheating. No one does not have an excuse to cheat at one point or the other in a relationship or marriage. But not everyone is thrilled about it.
No one who is cheated on feels great. There are so many implications of cheating and we will look at them soon. So, enjoy your relationship or marriage and if there is an issue that comes up, or you cannot forgive or endure, opting out is the best. Cheating is not good at all.
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Note that this article does not, in any way, imply that people should get involved in premarital or extramarital sex. We are only trying to help people understand that some women are not saints. Everyone can cheat, but it takes love and discipline to learn how not to cheat.
This article answers the question, why do women cheat? I hope you had a great read. Leave a comment, and don’t forget to share it.

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