I know you are eager to learn what to do if the ring isn’t forthcoming. Before I continue, I want you to be wary of those men that always hide under the cloak of ‘I guess’.
It is either he is coming out plainly or he is not. Any other thing outside that is slippery and suspicious.
So, let’s get to the business of the day. First, we should find out what every woman in a relationship wants.
The Dream of Every Woman in a Relationship
The dream of every woman is to be proposed to and let the world know she is taken. Then, slipping the final ring on her finger confirms his claims.
The intensity of this dream increases each day as the relationship keeps getting closer and more interesting. It is not a bad dream, anyway because it is something that every woman looks forward to. She wants to be claimed and pronounced ‘Keep off zone’ by other interested applicants.
With the rise in the number of days or years spent together and when it looks like everything is all rosy, she starts getting apprehensive and questioning her worth. Insecurity sets in and she starts reading signs to every of his actions or speech.
She could even confront him about it, to make sure they are both still on the same page. He may respond with an ‘I guess…’ kind of answer.
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She could start acting needy and all ‘please, marry me’ kind of behavior. She could not imagine wasting so many years with him and just walking away while watching another woman claim her man from a distance.
The desperation makes her cling to him longingly and pray he should not leave her. She could even start visiting prayer houses or using charms to tie him down. That is for desperate ladies who do not have any self-worth.
This is really head-shattering and devastating. She could even feel like walking away and moving on, but she may not because he might propose the next minute.
The length of time you have spent together should be enough for him to commit, isn’t it? So what do you do if the ring isn’t forthcoming?
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What to do if the ring isn’t forthcoming?
Here are the best tips on what to do if the ring isn’t forthcoming:
Talk to him.
A closed mouth is heading for heartbreak. To avoid heartbreak, let him know that you have been thinking about your future and find out what his plans are. His response will let you know whether he is ready or not. So, talk to him if the ring isn’t forthcoming.
He is likely to come plain with you or beat around the bush. Whichever way, you should read his body language, too, to help you conclude if he did not come out plain.
If he tells you that he is not just ready, then, he is not just ready. That is the truth. What to do? Ask him the likely time to be ready. If he says he does not know or that you should see how it goes, my sister, in the next ten years, he may still not be ready.
In short, he is not even considering you as a wife yet. If he is, then, he would have given you a time-frame with an assurance of fulfilling it, unless he is not someone to be trusted with his word.
If he is not reliable, what are you doing with him? So, at this juncture, start making up your mind to either stay and enjoy the roller-coaster ride to uncertainty or count your loss and move away.
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He may not be ready indeed.
You don’t just wake up and ask a man to marry you. First, check if he is settled financially. Is he emotionally settled to get married? This is not a matter of your supporting him with your own money.
A man is born a provider and protector. If he has not seen himself as someone who can provide for and protect his family, your opting to take up his role is not going to solve the issue…because it is not your duty, but his.
So, if his career and finances are still blinking red, forget about marriage with him. You either wait or leave.
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Don’t give him a wife treatment when he is your boyfriend.
If he is not committed to you, don’t get committed to him. Period! How could you see yourself as a wife and act like a wife when he is not even sure if he is your boyfriend? So, if you offer free services to him, how do you expect him to pay?
Okay, you are confused about what role makes you appear like a wife? It is not just about sex.
You are almost living in his house, cooking for him, doing the laundry, clearing the compound, cleaning the house, taking care of his financial needs, being there for him when he comes home from work, and, of course, welcoming him like your husband. In short, your life revolves around him.
Don’t get me wrong. You can visit your boyfriend, but when you make everything almost free for him, which he should pay for, then, he won’t have any need to take the next step.
So, lady, go back to being a girlfriend. If he is not ready for any commitment, don’t force him to. Take a walk. If he wants you back, then, he should do the needful. Give him a condition and stick to it.
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Don’t be desperate.
It is possible to be desperate when he is not ready to make any commitment. You would increase how you please him, just to get him committed to you.
What to do? Give him an ultimatum. In short, when you have talked about it and he did not say any reasonable thing, don’t act all fidgety and scared or even shout down the house for wasting your time. Head straight to the door, open it, and walk away. If he loves you, he will come back to you. If he does not, then, he has given you the best gift ever.
Go on to grieve and find love again. Don’t look back or start asking him to consider you. Remember it is only dogs that go back to their vomit. If you are not a dog, don’t act like one.
Because you value yourself, please, don’t ever dream of putting your life on hold for someone else. He is not worth it.
Your wanting to get married is not a bad idea. Every woman wants that too. So, if it does not work out, don’t be too hard on yourself. If you are heartbroken, which is not bad, you need to grieve and get over it.
Socialize and get connected to other people if the ring isn’t forthcoming. Never lower your standard for another person. Marriage is a blessing. So, keep trying until you meet a man who is blessed to have you.
Go on and negotiate your way into a beautiful relationship using this link
The above are what to do if the ring isn’t forthcoming. You are the best of your kind, carry yourself high and be at peace with yourself. One day, you will look back in appreciation.
I hope you enjoyed a great read and know what to do if the ring isn’t forthcoming. Leave a comment and share it with others. You may also be interested in this discussion about a ring not arriving in time.

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